Weights on your lawn?


Ok so with my cub i decided to leave the weights in this year an started thinking how many of you guys mow your lawn with the weights still on in the summer? An my jd 300 i leave the chains on but i only till an push dirt with that
I guess it would depend on the yard. My grandfather had chains and weights on his tractor year round. But his yard had a big hill and without them he couldn't make it.

For my yard anything that cuts grass doesn't get anything. Its flat and easy to cut. I have used weights but found in the spring that it would leave big tire tracks in the soft ground. I prefer turf tires since I feel like they leave the least amount of tire marks.

With the diff lock on the x570 I feel like they aren't all that needed even if you hard a large hill. I have one bank at the edge of my property. I can stop in the middle turn on the diff lock, slam the hydro pedal down and shoot up without spinning a tire.
Unless you're running many,many hundreds of pounds of weights I don't think it would make much of a difference. If you're leaving tire marks with weights undoubtedly you will leave marks without them.. Most GT's only weigh so much.
I normally have them on but haven't taken them off the MF8E and swapped them to the MF12G yet. I do really feel that they help if the ground is wet while mowing the drain field or the ditch out front. Several years ago things were quite wet, but I didn't put them on. Kept spinning the uphill tire on those places I mentioned. So far it's dryer this year so haven't felt any spinning yet.

The new Husqvarna I bought has a locking diff with a switch. I have some areas that are not flat in the yard I mow. I need to get rid of some stumps that are a pain to mow around traction wise. I'm hoping when I mount the bagger it will be enough to keep me from spinning in place like my old mower.

I thought of making a weight holder and using old brake rotors or something, instead of paying money for weights.
The new Husqvarna I bought has a locking diff with a switch. I have some areas that are not flat in the yard I mow. I need to get rid of some stumps that are a pain to mow around traction wise. I'm hoping when I mount the bagger it will be enough to keep me from spinning in place like my old mower.

I thought of making a weight holder and using old brake rotors or something, instead of paying money for weights.
Ever think of loading your tires ?
Windshield washer fluid works good and is relatively cheap.
Depending on tire size you should be able to get 4-5 gallon per tire. About 8lbs. per gallon..